Posts tagged ‘healing’

Moving on or moving away?


Sometimes, we have to move away physically for our hearts to heal.

At other times, we just stay on but let our hearts move on in forgiveness.

Sometimes the pain goes away.

At other times we learn to live victoriously in spite of the pain.

We can’t run away from every monster in life. Sometimes you have to kill that monster and take back your treasure.

A season for emotional healing




Yes, that is what Christmas means to me this year; a season for emotional healing.

This because this year, this particular Christmas season, God has led me to help so many people who are in bondage because of past hurts and wounds incurred in the past.

I have had to help people get up from the fall of financial bankruptcy, disappointments in relationships, broken homes, family strife, divorce and the trauma caused by shameful experiences of the past.

What is your own story? Have you been abused, ostracized, rejected, hated, ridiculed and insulted?

Do not give up on life, there are still good people out there. Do not give up on yourself, you still have much to give out to the world. Do not give up on God, because He will never give up on you.

Yes, someone hurt you in the past. But they do not deserve that you continue suffering for their sake. Face that pain squarely and tell it ” I’m not letting you kill me…I’m bigger than this…I’m not done with life yet…”

Do not take that hurt into the new year. I challenge you to lay it down at the feet of your Savior, Jesus. Dare to speak out…share it with someone who cares. It will lift off some of the pain. Face that person and tell them what they did wasn’t right. If they acknowledge it, good, if not, you would have taken a load off your chest.

Just do something about it.

Shalom, Gretiana



Lord, if it be your will take this away…



If you’ve never been there, then you’re never going to really understand what is at stake in their life; so why not just pray for them and leave it at that?

Why not just hold back that comment and observe instead?

They may not be as complacent as you think.

They may be spending sleepless nights over it.

They may be in the middle of a fast because of it.

They might have begged God a hundred times to take that thing away.

Perhaps they’ve got their lessons to learn;

Perhaps it’s a thorn in their flesh they have to live with;

Perhaps their faith is being tried;

Perhaps….God alone knows why.

Do not put that label on them;

Do not make that conclusion you are about to make;

Do not judge, categorize and condemn.

Rather, ask from God the wisdom and discernment to see beyond the physical,

Then you may begin to understand what they are having to endure.



No matter what happens…

Admire people who have been through a lot and still keep their head up. Head Up! Even though you are going through a tough time. This is a must attitude during healing journey. Image credit : Pixabay – PublicDomainPictures

via Quote of the day # 17 : Head Up — Rebellious Scapegoat


Dare to look away…

if you dare


Moving on…not easy but very necessary

wrong people

I choose to walk away

evidence building 3

I choose to walk away

Away from the past, its hurts, pains and shame

I choose to walk away from the choices I made in the past

Choices that seemed so logical and beneficial

I opt for change, the willingness to embrace the future I do not yet see

I choose to part with my own understanding, the one that let me into that mess

I will depart from myself, the self that I trusted but got disappointed.

I’ve discovered a new me, a me that so pleases me

And I won’t let anything take that away from me.



It takes courage and much more…

When you’ve been abused, mistreated, used and dumped

It takes courage, the willingness to forgive

And the desire to live again

To give out your heart another time.

That’s why we must never exert pressure on people

To open up their hearts to us.

We deserve openness and genuineness in every relationship

But we must give people the time to change,

To heal and to willingly open up again.

Trying to force it out of them can be counter  productive

NO matter how much you love them and want to be with them

Just be gentle enough to let them loosen up naturally and at a  pace

That is comfortable for them.

They may really be in love,

But still needing time to get on the rails

Do not be impatient when they seem reticent

Let the rose unfold naturally.

Love and Blessing, Gretiana


What’s that label you carry?

You do not have to accept that tag, that label, that name life has given you.

You can shake it off and get for yourself one that fits your taste and that looks like what you want to be called.

God can peel off that label for you and give you a brand new one tailored after His plan and purpose for your life.

Do not live your life behind the very label you hate. Shake it off. You deserve better than that.





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Cheer up, fear not.

The Lord has not abdicated His throne.

He is still in control of the universe.

In need of emotional healing? What are some of the signs?

When you think of the past you are full of shame, regret, anger and bitterness. You try not to think about it.

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  • You confess you have forgiven them but you just can’t get the scenes out of you mind. You keep having painful flashbacks.
  • You hurt other people consciously or unconsciously and then you cry later on, or simply regret why you did it in the first place.
  • It is unbearable for you to stand the sight of those who are going through what you have been through. They are a mirror where you see your own pain.
  • You find it difficult to be compassionate to those going through the same pain you have been through. You cannot give to others what you do not have.
  • No matter how much love and care you receive from others you complain and accuse others for not caring or for wanting to hurt you. You feel insecure and you dread being hurt again.
  • You always try to attract attention to yourself and your needs and do not care about how others might feel. You are the centre of your own world.
  • You always suspect people are out to harm you, you hardly give people the benefit of the doubt and you are always trying to defend yourself even when no one really wants to hurt you.
  • You hate making mistakes and when they do happen you do all in your power to cover them up. You are afraid to lose some more self-esteem.
  • You can go extra lengths just to gain approval and appreciation even if you have to pay a very high cost for it.
  • You find it difficult to celebrate with achievers. You’d rather mourn with losers than celebrate with winners.

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If you currently find yourself in this condition, you are in need of emotional healing. You can’t go on like that. That is not how life was meant to be for you.

HE WHO MADE ME WELL… (John 5:5-9)

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One day Jesus saw a man who had been sitting near a pool for 38 years waiting for and expecting healing from God. Everybody knew about him and no one did try to help him out. Everybody seemed to think that somehow, there was nothing wrong in him being there. He had become a part of the natural décor of that environment; it had become normal to see him there year after year and decade after decade.

Then one day something different happened to him. Jesus showed up, gave him an instruction and his story changed. “Glory to God, a notable miracle has happened. Our God has done it again…” This should have been the reaction of the leaders of the church. They should have been happy to see another testimony pointing to the greatness of God. No! They had other priorities at heart.

“Why are you carrying your bed on the Sabbath? Why did that man heal you on the Sabbath?”

It is like that prostitute who goes to church feeling so depressed…more depressed than the state of her dress; but then all we can see is her short skirt and heavy make-up. We then fail to appreciate a notable miracle; the fact that someone like that has made up their mind to stop running away from God.

I like the response the man gave to the Pharisees when they desired to know why he was crying his bed on the Sabbath.

“He who made me well said to me, ‘take up your bed and walk (John 5:11).’

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I don’t know who has been breathing down the back of your neck and giving you five reasons why you shouldn’t be doing what you are doing. “As long as you live in my house, it is unlawful for you to pray. You are a former drug-addict and I won’t let you see my daughter; you used to be a sex worker, I can’t attend your church; you got born into the wrong family, you can’t have a break in life…”

This is my encouragement to you. Look at them in the face and say…”He who saved me told me I could make it…He who rescued me from the pit said to me ‘you are fearfully and wonderfully made…’”

At the end of the day, it’s not about pleasing men; it’s about doing the will of God and making it to heaven.


BRING IT TO AN END AND START A NEW PAGE: I came across this and thought it could bless you.

let go of

let it go to voicemail

letting go




your past





let go ..


Leviticus chapter 16 records the events of the Day of Atonement as commanded by God to Moses and then to the High Priest. Aaron, who was the High Priest at that time, was required to enter the holiest place of the tabernacle once a year to offer blood for the atonement of the sins of Israel. Come to think of it. It happened just once a year, on the tenth day of the seventh month.

Can you imagine the impatience, anxiety and unease in the camp of Israel as they bore their sins on their minds waiting for the day God will finally accept their repentance? They waited, prayed, and longed for their load to be lifted off their soldiers so that they can be relieved. How they must have waited for the Day of Atonement.

When it finally came, they all gathered before God to have their burdens lifted off their backs. At last, they were free, holy and acceptable before God. It is against this background that we can understand the impact of what Christ did for us on the cross of Calvary. What an excellent joy to know that under the new covenant, we do not need to wait for a Day of Atonement.

Christ offered up a sacrifice of himself once and for all (Hebrews 7:27). When he cried “It is finished”, I became holy, righteous and acceptable before God provided I lay a claim to the finished work of Calvary (John 1:12). I am already forgiven.

I do not need to wait for a particular day in which I will be worthy to ask of healing, deliverance, blessing and the like. It has become my permanent and everlasting possession all thanks to Christ’s once and for all sin offering. Am I not blessed?
The new covenant is really far better than the old (Heb. 8:6-8).